


There’s nothing liberal about crushing labor unions, exacerbating inequality or destroying social services.  That’s actual the liberal holy trinity: unions, equality and social services.  The fact “liberal” has “neo” as a prefix makes it easier to dismiss liberal politicians and blur the lines between conservatives and liberals.  And not just all liberals – specific liberals who threaten the success of other liberals.  In other words, it’s a lazy, useless but artificially loaded term that means nothing and requires the user to prove nothing.  

The liberal part refers to relaxed government regulations. As in, liberally letting business do as it pleases. Its the literal definition of liberal. Granted its easy to be confused in this day in age since liberal is mainstream talk for leftism, but the point still stands. Both parties are responsible for letting this ideology spread. Republicans want to put everyone under the corporate boot and Democrats at best have wasted their time trying to play the nice guy and appease or compromise with republicans.

Reagan and his administration are the ones who obliterated government regulations.  It also destroyed unions and affordable college, thereby destroying the middle class.  When you say “both parties are responsible for letting this ideology spread” I believe what youre referring to is the free market, is this right?  Because I think that’s a fair-ish point.  The idea of a free market is just that – an idea. It doesn’t exist. But it’s hyponotized Republicans and Democrats.  But more so Republicans and to a massive extent. 

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